History of Georgia

On January 2, 1788 Georgia became a state; it was the fourth state to join the United States. It was found by James Oglethorpe was given an order by King George II from England, to look through the pain of Georgia to see if it could be used as a place for debators in prison could go to and start over, and to keep the Spanish from expanding. He later sent  114 settlers to arrive in Georgia.

Georgia seceeded from the Union in 1861. Georgia had sent out almost 10,000 soldiers go out and fight against Virgina's soldiers. It then swiched over to food production instead of cotton production.

The largest prison war camp, was Adersonville, they did not provide food, water, medicen and a very poor lack of supplies. It was a dealth camp.Nearly 500 battles went on in Georgia.

Alanta was burnt to the ground in 1864 by Sherman.Georgia is the largest southeast state. Land area of Georgia: 57,906 sq miles, water area: 1,522 sq miles. Georgia's total number of counties is 159.

The Savannah was the first steamboat to cross the Alantic Ocean and it came from Georgia. Georgia had about 40,000 people in Georgia in 1776.Coca Cola was invented in Alanta, Georgia in May, 1886 by Dr. John S. Pemberton. Jimmy Carter the 39th President was born in Georgia.

















